Whereas most manufacturers initially developed their mains voltage single ended halogen lamps to replace incandescent lamps of 60-150W, Osram started an important trend by addressing the requirements for higher power lamps. This Halostar Single Ended range therefore comprised only the 150W and 250W ratings. The combination of small size and high output made them especially popular for high power downlights, as well as in compact spotlights for indoor accent lighting. Thanks to the small size of the filament it is possible to achieve rather good optical control.
This is the original version of this lamp and it features a full glass construction, which was later superseded by a ceramic version. The inner capsule is of quartz and most unusually the pinch is made some distance away from the end of the tube from which the capsule is made. The lower unpinched portion of the body extends into the lamp cap to which it is cemented, thereby fixing the capsule in place. The slight colouration of the outer ends of the molybdenum sealing foils suggests that some protective coating against oxidation has been applied, perhaps using phosphorus or chromium.
The capsule is bromine-filled to achieve high efficacy and universal burning. The filament is mounted in an especially compact arrangement, supported by three wires held in a single quartz bridge. Its coiled tails are hooked over the ends of the leading-in wires via an ingenious method which avoids the requirement for welding. The outer bulb provides protection and UV filtering and is also cemented to the E27 cap. Double glass fuses inside the capsule extension tube are employed to reduce the risk of explosion at end of life and hence permit operation in open luminaires. |